Virtual Reality (VR) Assisted Therapy

DASC is excited to now offer virtual reality (VR) as part of our treatment offerings!

Virtual reality has been proven to be an effective way to enhance the treatment of many anxiety disorders, as well as provide guided mindfulness practice. Using virtual reality in therapy sessions provides the opportunity to reproduce real-life scenarios and even adapt and control these environments to meet individual treatment goals and needs.

VR is a great way to practice exposures for:

  • Social anxiety
  • OCD
  • Many common phobias like heights, spiders, needles, and flying
  • Clients who are in treatment for eating disorders and would benefit from exposures to fear foods, restaurant or grocery store environments

At DASC, we are able to use VR with clients both in the office and via telehealth. Clients are able to immerse themselves in a virtual world and practice skills in a private and safe space. Meanwhile, their therapist can track the client experience and progress.

Please reach out to us today to see if VR would be an effective method of treatment for you!