Insurance and Fees
At DASC, we understand how important it is to find a clinic that accepts your insurance, and that provides care that is affordable to you.
Most of our clinicians are in-network providers for:
- Blue Cross/Blue Shield PPO
- Aetna PPO
- Optum/United Health Care
- Medicare
- A limited number of our clinicians are in network with Tricare
Please check each clinician’s individual bio for information about which insurance providers they accept.
We will be happy to perform a benefit check and inform you of any out of pocket costs for these insurance plans. Your co-pays and other out-of-pocket costs (which are determined by your specific insurance plan) are due at the time of service.
If your insurance is out of network, we are willing to assist you in the process of being reimbursed for services, however payment is due at the time of service.
Our office staff can support you in setting up your preferred method of payment.
We strongly recommend you call the number on your insurance card to verify your benefits before your first visit.
Reduced Fee Services:
DASC is committed to serving as many of our community members in need as we can. We do not believe that quality mental health care should only be available to people who can afford to pay full fees. We are proud to offer a variety of reduced rate and sliding scale fee options to those in need and those without insurance. To see if you qualify, simply fill out the contact form and mention in your message that you would like to apply for a reduced fee or sliding scale rate. A highly trained intake coordinator will get back to you quickly and help you apply!
Cancellation Policy:
The time that is allotted for your therapy session is reserved for you. We require 24-hour notice for daytime appointment cancellations (scheduled before 5:00 pm) and 48-hour notice for evening appointment cancellations (scheduled at or after 5:00 pm). Appointments canceled with less than the appropriate notice will incur the full session fee.
A Note to Our Clients:
As you may know, the federal and Illinois COVID emergency order ended on May 11th, 2023. While we have not received any specific information from insurance providers, this could impact your insurance and telehealth coverage.
We strongly suggest reaching out to your insurance provider to get clarification around whether or not your telehealth coverage will be impacted. For example, it is possible that some insurance plans will require that providers use a particular platform, or that the coverage may change (i.e. a co-pay is now changed for telehealth). Again, we have been given no information to indicate any changes in your coverage. We are encouraging you to reach out due to an abundance of caution, and to prevent surprise due to unexpected bills. We will notify you if we are informed of any changes to your telehealth coverage.
Contact Us
To begin the intake process, please view and submit our contact form.